While many white collar crimes are considered to be nonviolent, the penalties for a conviction can still be harsh. White collar crimes are typically financially motivated, and they are often severely punished by the federal government and the state of New York. A white collar crime conviction can impact your financial future, your employment status, and your social standing. Speak to an NYC white collar crime lawyer to learn more.
White collar crimes are fairly common and often committed by people who have the education, knowledge, and experience to plan such crimes beforehand. Though some may consider white collar crime to be victimless and not as devastating as certain violent crimes, being charged with this type of offense can still feel overwhelming and stressful. You may not know what to do or how to defend yourself, but The Vitaliano Law Firm can provide crucial assistance.
At The Vitaliano Law Firm, we have many years of experience defending clients against serious white collar crime charges. We understand prosecutors’ tactics, and we can use our vast knowledge to create a strong defense on your behalf.
White collar crime is a frequent occurrence in New York City, thanks to the considerable amount of financial work that occurs on Wall Street. This kind of crime can be done by individuals, groups, or even entire organizations, depending on the type of crime being committed.
White collar crimes can be prosecuted at the federal level if the crime occurs across state lines. However, if a crime is limited to just the state of New York, it will likely stay at the state level. Here are some of the more common white collar crimes:
Three of the most common types of white collar crimes committed every year are embezzlement, fraud, and insider trading. Each of these crimes carries significant penalties, depending on how much money was taken by the person who committed the alleged white collar crime. The penalties for white collar crimes can range anywhere from those of a Class A misdemeanor to those of a Class E felony, depending on the case at hand.
A white collar crime in New York City is a financially-motivated and nonviolent crime that results in an individual, group, or organization taking a considerable amount of money through fraudulent acts or deceptive scheming.
These crimes can include fraud, insider trading, money laundering, bribery, embezzlement, identity theft, forgery, Ponzi schemes, and many other kinds of financial crimes. These offenses can range from misdemeanor charges to felony charges, depending largely on the nature of the crime and how much money was taken.
A white collar defense attorney is a lawyer who helps those who have been accused of or charged with white collar crimes. Their help can include assisting in developing your defense, launching an independent investigation into your case, gathering evidence that supports your innocence, and providing complex, technical support. Financial cases can be confusing and overwhelming, and an experienced white collar crime attorney understands the complexities involved.
White collar crimes can be very serious, depending largely on the case at hand and the details surrounding it. White collar crimes are usually committed by those with an impressive knowledge of the financial world, so they can have lasting consequences for many different people.
While they are mostly nonviolent, they can result in people losing their life savings and companies being defrauded on a massive scale. They could even affect public trust in government institutions and destabilize nations.
If you have been accused of or charged with a white collar crime, you should reach out to an experienced criminal defense lawyer today. You’re likely feeling intimidated and stressed, and you’ll want someone by your side who understands the complexities of white collar crime. A skilled lawyer can use their knowledge to help develop a case and fight your charges.
The legal team at The Vitaliano Law Firm understands the difficulties in navigating white collar crime. We are prepared to assist you in building your case, gathering the necessary evidence, and representing your interests in court if it comes to that. Contact us to speak to one of our valued team members and learn the many ways we can help you.