
Criminal Law
Manhattan Crime Rate and Statistics

Manhattan Crime Rate and Statistics

On Behalf of vitalianolaw | Mar 03, 2024 |

By the end of 2023, city leaders were lauding a small but positive trend. Overall, crime in New York City went down compared to the year prior. As with any all-encompassing figure, though, some types of crime went up while others went down. So how did Manhattan fare, and what are the current crime statistics for the Manhattan crime rate? We’ll explore that and more.

A Brief Look at 2023

Data released by the New York Police Department late last year found that crime in 2023 decreased compared to the same time period through November 2022. Crime rates dropped for:

  • Murder
  • Shootings
  • Rape
  • Robbery
  • Grand larceny

The data found that felony assaults, car thefts, and transit crime all went up. Also on the rise are hate crimes. Compared to the year prior, the number of reported hate crimes increased for protected groups that include people who are Black, Jewish, Muslim, or a member of the LGBTQ community. The majority of hate crimes were antisemitic. There were 31 antisemitic hate crimes reported in 2023. Hate crimes come in forms that include threats, graffiti, and physical violence.

North Manhattan Crime Statistics

As of March 2024, there have been seven murders in North Manhattan. That is a 57% decrease from the same time period last year in the northern half of Manhattan. Twenty-three rapes were reported as of March 10th, 2024, a 46.7% decrease. Robberies are up 27.3% in 2024, with 383 occurrences in North Manhattan so far this year. There have been 17 shooting victims so far this year and 14 shooting incidents.

South Manhattan Crime Statistics

The first few months of 2024 saw four murders and 23 rapes occur in South Manhattan. Felony assaults are down 4.9% so far this year compared to last year. Other reported felonies that require the services of a criminal defense lawyer include robbery, grand larceny, and grand larceny auto, which have all decreased in South Manhattan.

There have been four shooting victims and four shooting incidents to date this year. Petit larceny (a misdemeanor) is up 22.9%, with 4,005 incidents reported so far.

Citywide Crime Statistics

As of March 2024, there have been 55 murders in New York City. There has been an increase in rape, robbery, and felony assault compared to the previous year. However, there has been a decrease in murder, shooting incidents and victims, and grand larceny auto.

The first three months of 2024 saw 261 cases of rape across New York City and 3,063 robberies.

What Is New York City Doing to Curb Crime?

New York City’s mayor released details of a new plan last year that aims to reduce gun violence across the city. Called The Blueprint for Community Safety, the expansive program allocated millions in city funds to addressing and expanding mentorship opportunities for youths, housing conditions (especially in public housing), employment opportunities, mental health resources, and community/police relations, among other areas.

Mental health resources will see an increase of $106 million in public spending. Part of the plan encourages police and neighborhoods to collaborate more often.

Should Crime Statistics Dictate Where I Visit and Live?

Crime statistics are a snapshot in time. While they can be useful when making important life decisions, it is important to remember that crime can occur in the safest communities, and many people live in statistically dangerous areas without ever witnessing a crime.

Even when crime statistics are broken down by borough, there can still be sharp disparities between different parts of that borough. Some of the most reliable information can come from locals who have lived in those communities for decades. Crime statistics are a tool but just one of many.


Q: Is It Safe to Live in Downtown Manhattan?

A: Yes. It is safe to live in downtown Manhattan. Hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers do. While high populations are often correlated with crime, being in a densely populated community also offers the benefits of safety in numbers. During broad daylight in downtown Manhattan, anyone who commits a crime would likely be seen by a witness or police officer.

Q: Where Does New York City Rank in Crime?

A: New York City ranks below average in crime when compared to other large cities. The rate of crime for NYC is 46.32 per 1,000 residents, in a year. The chance of being a victim of crime can vary greatly depending on what part of the city you are in. It can be as low as one in 92 in neighborhoods in the northwest, or 1 in 10 in central neighborhood areas.

Q: How Many Murders in New York City in the First Quarter of 2024?

A: There have been 55 murders reported so far this year in 2024, which is a decrease compared to the same time period last year. The majority of murders result from gun violence, which has become a top priority for city leaders, who have been implementing solutions to increase community safety.

Q: How Much Does a Criminal Defense Lawyer Cost in New York City?

A: Lawyers charge between $200 and $400 per hour. In large cities like New York City, the hourly rates for attorneys are generally higher than in small cities and towns. Lawyers who have more experience successfully defending clients often charge more due to their experience and track record of positive outcomes for their clients.

Schedule Your Consultation with a Manhattan Criminal Defense Lawyer

Manhattan is one of the safest parts of New York City, and the city as a whole has a lower-than-average crime rate when compared to other major cities. If you were recently charged with a crime in New York City, The Vitaliano Law Firm can fight to protect your rights with an aggressive defense.

We have helped many clients achieve favorable outcomes in criminal court. Our team can handle all criminal matters such as money laundering, computer crimes, homicides, drug crimes, tax fraud defense, and much more. Contact our office today to schedule your criminal defense consultation.
