
Criminal Law
New York Gun Laws – All You Need to Know

New York Gun Laws – All You Need to Know

On Behalf of vitalianolaw | May 05, 2023 |

Historically, the state of New York has had some of the strictest gun control laws. Up to 2024, new gun control laws have been introduced, and existing laws have been changed. These laws, related to topics such as who can purchase, who can own, where one can carry, and what requirements are needed, are complex and have meanings that are difficult to untangle.

Whether you are permanently living in the state of New York, or are considering visiting, it is important to be aware of the updated New York gun laws to discern the impact that they will have on you. The most effective way to stay out of trouble with the law, and make sure that you are following regulations, is to stay informed on current legislation.

New York Firearms Licenses

In the state of New York, gun licenses are technically from the state, but they will be granted by the county authority where you apply. You will have to apply in the county where you are employed. If you have a New York state permit, you can carry anywhere in the state, except for New York City. To legally carry in New York City, you will need to get a specific permit given out by the police commissioner.

In New York, the following gun licenses are most often applied for:

  • Concealed carry licenses
  • License to carry or have during employment
  • License to possess on premises

It will take a minimum of four months for your application to be processed and approved, and the cost of applying will depend on the county jurisdiction that you apply under.

To apply for a gun license, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • Be 21 years of age or older.
  • Be a permanent resident of the state of New York.
  • Have no serious criminal record, including a felony.
  • Prove that you have good moral character.
  • Have a reason that is recognized as legally feasible for owning or carrying a gun or firearm.

Depending on the type of license you are applying for, you may have to provide a lot of sensitive information, including your current and previous social media accounts as well as who is living in your household. If you do not want this information to be released to the public, you can get in contact with your county clerk.

Updated Gun Laws

The Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, is a strong proponent of gun control who has recently signed many such bills into law. Her most recent legislation regarding gun control, New York’s Firearm Dealer Laws and Concealed Carry Improvement Act (CCIA), was signed in July 2022. These laws strengthen existing red flag laws, which seek to tackle issues of domestic violence, and introduce a list of “sensitive locations.”

The “sensitive locations” list in New York State includes:

  • Public transportation
  • Public parks
  • Churches, mosques, and other locations of worship
  • Healthcare settings
  • Airports
  • Prisons
  • Courthouses

The new legislation also:

  • Requires background checks for the purchase of ammunition
  • Underscores the importance of safe storage
  • Increases the requirements for obtaining a concealed carry permit


Q: Can You Carry Guns in New York?

A: In the state of New York, it is completely legal to carry an approved firearm in a concealed manner if you have the appropriate New York permit. It can be difficult, however, to obtain such a permit, as the process can take a long time and involves several legal requirements. It’s important to note that, even if you do have a permit, there are places where you still cannot carry a firearm, such as places of worship and healthcare settings.

Q: Can I Have a Gun in My House Without a Permit in New York?

A: If you have a New York permit, you are legally allowed to have a firearm in your house. However, it is important to note that there are still stringent laws that you must follow regarding the safe storage of the firearm in your home, its use, and how you can transport it.

Q: What Guns Can You Own in New York Without a Permit?

A: In New York, you will usually need a permit to have a firearm in your possession, such as a handgun or long gun. There are, however, exceptions. For example, if the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives considers your firearm to be a “curio” or “relic,” you may not need to have a permit for possession.

Q: Can I Shoot a Pistol in New York Without a Permit?

A: In the state of New York, you cannot shoot a firearm if you do not have a permit. Even if you discharge the firearm on private property, you need to possess a permit to do so. It’s also important to keep in mind that you must comply with safe use and storage regulations.

Q: What Is the Penalty for Carrying a Firearm Without a Permit in New York?

A: In New York, if you are carrying a firearm without a permit, it is a serious offense that can lead to you being charged with a misdemeanor or felony. For example, according to recent legislation, if you are carrying in a “sensitive location,” such as a courthouse or prison, you can be charged with a Class E felony.

Learn More About Your Rights and New York Gun Laws

As gun law legislation is always being updated or changed, based on the politicians in office and rulings by the court, it is important to stay updated to ensure that you are in compliance with the law.

The legal team at The Vitaliano Law Firm has years of experience working in cases related to New York gun control and can provide you with the legal information or advice you may need to avoid penalties or charges. We can even represent your case in court. Contact our offices today to get more information about gun control in New York. We can also help you learn about how to stay in compliance or defend your gun control-related case.
