Embezzlement is a kind of theft, also called larceny, where a person misuses money, property, or other assets they have been entrusted to manage. It’s the violation of that duty and trust that differentiates embezzlement from other kinds of fraud. If you’re facing embezzlement charges, an experienced Bronx embezzlement lawyer can be critical to a successful outcome.
Criminal defense attorney Michael Vitaliano and the legal team at The Vitaliano Law Firm know Bronx Supreme Court judges and the kind of tactics the District Attorney’s Financial Frauds Bureau is likely to employ. Our top priority is devoting the time and attention to each client to tailor our defense strategy to their individual situation and give them a strong chance of beating the charges.
To prove embezzlement, the prosecution has to show that the person was in a position of trust, they used that position to obtain the assets, their actions were intentional, and they took ownership of the money, even if they gave it away, hid or destroyed it, or ended up giving it back. There are several types of positions that can give an individual both access to other people’s money and a duty of care, including:
The last few years have seen some big and high-profile embezzlement cases in the Bronx. Some examples are:
In the Bronx, the main charge for embezzlement is larceny. The degree is generally determined by the value of the stolen assets, and penalties for conviction are usually higher for larger values and include repaying the amount taken.
Additional charges often include falsifying business records or offering a false instrument for filing, both of which are Class E felonies with up to four years in prison. When the embezzlement happens in multiple states or involves a federal agency, federal charges can also apply.
Although each case is unique, a legal defense strategy against embezzlement allegations may focus on a few common elements, such as:
The cost of hiring an attorney for an embezzlement case can vary greatly from one case to the next and depends on several factors. These include how complex the case is, the lawyer’s experience and geographical location, and whether the case can be settled out of court. Since an attorney charges based on the time they have to spend on a case, it can be more costly when the case has to go to trial.
The penalty for embezzlement in New York depends on the specific charge, as well as whether the defendant has previous embezzlement charges on their record. A first-time conviction may see more leniency, while subsequent offenses can receive harsher sentences. A skilled criminal defense attorney can tell you more about your specific situation and let you know what the potential penalties are in your case.
You win an embezzlement case by having the charges dismissed, getting a not guilty verdict at trial, or negotiating a reduction in the charges and penalties, such as the charges being lessened to a misdemeanor with no jail time, which is also better in terms of the effect on your ability to get jobs, housing, and other benefits. Your defense attorney can tell you which outcomes are most likely based on the specific facts of your case.
Whether embezzlement is easy to prove depends on the strength of the evidence in the case. The prosecution has to prove that the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, which is a high burden of proof. Evidence may be bank records, witness statements, emails, texts, receipts, or falsified documents. An experienced attorney can build a strong defense by attacking gaps in the evidence, such as a lack of receipts or no proof of intent.
Criminal defense attorney Michael Vitaliano at The Vitaliano Law Firm has extensive trial experience. Our legal team can assess your case, build a strong defense strategy, leverage weak evidence or offers of restitution to reduce or dismiss charges and represent you in court if necessary. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.