Brooklyn Felony Lawyer

Brooklyn Felony Lawyer

Brooklyn Felony Attorney

Facing criminal charges of any kind is undoubtedly overwhelming, but being arrested for or accused of a felony offense can be particularly frightening. Don’t waste time and seek legal counsel right away from a qualified Brooklyn felony lawyer. Your Brooklyn criminal defense lawyer can speak on your behalf and represent you in all communications with law enforcement and during legal proceedings.

It’s very beneficial to have a knowledgeable defense attorney by your side to guide you through every step of the criminal court process during this immensely stressful time. The Vitaliano Law Firm has effectively represented countless clients against accusations of felony crimes. Our legal team has experience handling cases involving felonies such as assault, bribery, robbery, involuntary and vehicular manslaughter, narcotics possession, arson, and fraud, among others.

Understanding Felony Charges in the State

The vast majority of crimes in Brooklyn, NY either fall under the misdemeanor category or the felony category. While each type of offense can range in severity, felonies are generally treated more significantly. A felony crime is considered to be an offense of “high seriousness,” and depending on numerous factors, a felony conviction can result in a jail or prison sentence and other substantial consequences.

The state organizes felony offenses into different classes depending on the severity of the crimes. Here are some examples of the various felony class levels:

  • Class A-I and A-II. The most severe class of offenses. Class A-II includes crimes such as predatory sexual assault and second-degree narcotics possession. Class A-I felonies include aggravated murder, acts of terrorism, first-degree arson, and acting as a major trafficking operator.
  • Class B. Felonies in this class are one level below murder, including offenses such as armed robbery, rape, manslaughter, first-degree bribery, witness or victim intimidation in the first degree, sex trafficking, and aggravated assault of a police or peace officer.
  • Class C. Relatively lesser felony crimes in the class include second-degree burglary, assault on a judge, second-degree gang assault, forgery in the first degree, first-degree vehicular manslaughter, and second-degree healthcare or welfare fraud.
  • Class D. Crimes in this category are still serious but tend to be regarded as exhibiting a lesser sense of malice. Examples include threats of terrorism, first-degree stalking, menacing a police or peace officer, first-degree sexual abuse, labor trafficking, aggravated identity theft or insurance fraud, and bribery of or bribe receiving by a labor official.
  • Class E. The lowest level of felony charge. Examples include illegally concealing a will, receiving sports bribes, issuing false certification, evidence tampering, involuntary manslaughter, child abandonment, and fourth-degree money laundering.

What Penalties May Follow a Felony Conviction?

If you find yourself convicted of a felony defense, the legal penalties you may face will depend on the details of your case. Some factors that can influence how minimal or severe the sentencing is include whether you have a criminal record with any prior felony convictions if the convictions were violent or non-violent in nature, and whether you’re a juvenile or youthful offender.

Defendants the court finds to be persistent felony offenders may be subject to life-long imprisonment. Perhaps most importantly, the severity level of the felony crime that you’re being penalized for is a large determining factor in what punishment you may be vulnerable to. Most Class A felonies are punishable by life in prison as a maximum punishment, except for certain drug-related crimes.

Class B felonies are punishable by up to 25 years imprisonment at the most. For Class C level felonies, the maximum sentence is 15 years incarceration. Class D felony crimes are punishable by up to seven years of jail time, and the maximum sentence for a Class E felony is four years of imprisonment. Some defendants convicted of non-violent crimes may be awarded probation or avoid a jail sentence altogether.

Along with potential incarceration, a felony offender may also face penalties such as heavy fines and providing restitution to the victims affected. Furthermore, convicted felons lose several privileges and rights. For example, felons can no longer exercise their right to vote, purchase firearms, receive welfare, sit on a jury, federal housing, and certain operator licenses.


How Long Do You Go to Jail for a Felony in NY?

How long you may go to jail for a felony in the state depends on the specifics of the offense. Lesser felonies, such as those in Class E or non-violent crimes in Classes D and C, may allow the offender to receive probation. More severe felony classes have maximum prison sentences lasting several years, and Class A crimes may include a life sentence.

How Long After a Felony Can You Be Charged in NY?

How long after a felony a person can be charged with the crime in the state can vary quite a bit depending on the specific offense. For many felonies, the statute of limitations can vary depending on the facts, but most are five years. Other crimes have no time limit, such as Class A felonies.

Do Felony Convictions Stay on Your Record in NY?

Yes, felony convictions in the state will be added to your permanent criminal record. Under some circumstances, you can request to have certain felonies sealed from your record after a period of 10 years. This means the crime would only be viewable by certain parties and not on background checks.

What Can Convicted Felons Not Do?

When convicted of a felony crime, offenders are generally prohibited from certain citizen rights and privileges. This can vary depending on the situation, and some rights can be regained after some time. These privileges include the right to vote, purchase firearms, sit on a jury, and receive welfare or federal housing.

Fight Your Felony Charges With a Skilled Lawyer’s Help

At The Vitaliano Law Firm, we understand how stressful and intimidating it can be to face felony charges. To give yourself the strongest chance of a favorable outcome, it’s a smart idea to entrust a qualified and capable defense attorney to handle your case. Contact us today to speak with our legal team, who can schedule a consultation with you with a proficient criminal defense lawyer.
